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The data to be provided through the VEGA-GEOGLAM facilities are summarized in the tables:

EO sensor Data Time period covered and updating mode
MODIS MOD09 standard product 2000 – ongoing, automatic daily download from NASA Land Processes Distributed Active Archive Center (LP DAAC)
Landsat Level 1T standard product 2008 – ongoing, a day of data became available, automatic download from U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
DEIMOS L1T orthorectified product 2010 – ongoing, download from DEIMOS as soon as data available

The MODIS and Landsat data are continuously updated over SIGMA-JECAM test sites and entire Northern Eurasia region.
The VEGA-GEOGLAM is potentially open to include other EO data, which can be provided by the SIGMA project partners and under their requests.

Data Time period covered and updating frequency
Meteorological data (National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP)
2000 – ongoing, 4 times per day update
Field data provided by project partners for
SIGMA-JECAM test-sites
Follows data providing
National and sub-national information on agricultural statistics provided by project partners Follows data providing